A valuable instrumental study for infective endocarditis is echocardiography, which makes it possible to detect vegetations (more than 5 mm in size) on the heart valves, which is a direct sign of infective endocarditis. More accurate diagnosis is carried out using MRI and MSCT of the heart. Treatment of infective endocarditis.

For infective endocarditis, treatment must be inpatient; bed rest and diet are prescribed until the patient’s general condition improves. The main role in the treatment of infective endocarditis is given to ezetimibe drug therapy, mainly antibacterial, which begins immediately after blood culture. The choice of antibiotic is determined by the sensitivity of the pathogen to it; it is preferable to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

In the treatment of infective endocarditis, penicillin antibiotics in combination with aminoglycosides have a good effect. Fungal endocarditis is difficult to treat, so the drug amphotericin B is prescribed for a long time (several weeks or months). They also use zetia pills agents with antimicrobial properties (dioxidine, antistaphylococcal globulin, etc.) and non-drug treatment methods - plasmapheresis, autotransfusion of ultraviolet irradiated blood. For concomitant diseases (myocarditis, polyarthritis, nephritis), non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are added to treatment. diclofenac, indomethacin. If there is no effect from drug treatment, surgical intervention is indicated.

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Heart valve replacement is performed with excision of damaged areas (after the severity of the process subsides). Surgical interventions should be performed by a cardiac surgeon only when indicated and accompanied by antibiotics. Prognosis for infective endocarditis.

  • Infective endocarditis is one of the most severe cardiovascular diseases. The prognosis for infective endocarditis depends on many factors.
  • existing valve lesions, timeliness and adequacy of therapy, etc. The acute form of infective endocarditis without treatment ends in death after 1 - 1.5 months, the subacute form - after 4-6 months.
  • With adequate antibacterial therapy, the mortality rate is 30%, and for infection of prosthetic valves - 50%. In elderly patients, infective endocarditis is more indolent, often not immediately diagnosed and has a worse prognosis.
  • In 10-15% of patients, the disease transitions into a chronic form with recurrent exacerbations.

Prevention of infective endocarditis. For persons with an increased risk of developing infective endocarditis, the necessary monitoring and control is established. This applies, first of all, to patients with prosthetic heart valves, congenital or acquired heart defects, vascular pathology, with a history of infective endocarditis, and with foci of ezetimibe pills infection (caries, chronic tonsillitis, chronic pyelonephritis).

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The development of bacteremia can accompany various medical procedures. surgical interventions, urological and gynecological instrumental examinations, endoscopic procedures, tooth extraction, etc. For preventive purposes, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed for these interventions. It is also necessary to avoid hypothermia, viral and bacterial infections (flu, sore throat). It is necessary to carry out sanitation of foci of chronic infection at least once every 3-6 months.

Inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system are among the most dangerous, as they disrupt the functioning of the entire body. In the article you will learn about a disease that affects the valve and tissues of the heart - endocarditis. Below we will also discuss the main forms of the disease and treatment of zetia medication.

With infective endocarditis, the inflammatory process occurs in the endocardium. During it, the tissue and valves of the heart are affected, and in other structures (septum, chord, ventricles) disorders occur less frequently. Infective endocarditis is also called bacterial endocarditis. The disease is considered severe and is assessed as a pathology with a high mortality rate. Without proper treatment, the patient's death cannot be avoided. For the development of the disease, the presence of risk factors, which can be congenital or acquired, is necessary. There are also special groups of people in whom the likelihood of such infection increases significantly, for example, drug addicts.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively using laboratory methods that allow identifying pathogensendocarditis, as well as using instrumental methods, where structural abnormalities of organs become noticeable. The disease is usually severe and requires hospitalization of patients. Associated problems with the respiratory system, kidneys and blood vessels are often observed.

Endocarditis is a condition in which the cardiac structures are affected by a microbial infection, which negatively affects the condition of the blood vessels, and is also accompanied by bacteremia. Endocarditis leads to buy zetia medication online in organs and the appearance of embolic and thrombotic pathologies. The incidence rate has increased over the past few years. Experts attribute this to an active lifestyle, a careless attitude towards one’s health, the spread of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and increased antibiotic resistance.